Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving. Thank you.

Here's what I'm thankful for:

-A day with such a wonderful name and positive feelings. A reason to stop and reflect.
-Wonderful family and friends, near and far.
-A rewarding life of enriching work in the arts... music and teaching. Giving.

Every day, I'm reminded how fortunate I am for this career, this life. There are many highs and the occasional lows, but a day doesn't pass where I miss the chance to practice my art.

There are trade offs. In higher ed, you move to where the jobs are, and that usually means greater distance from family. Upside- you are afforded the opportunity to create a large community of friends and family, and the long holiday breaks aren't so bad, either.

As musicians, you are beholden to when and where the work is, and that often means distance and busy times during the holidays. Upside- you are given an opportunity to share your art, change someone's world for a time, and have a positive effect on a group psyche. Powerful.

On this day and every day, I am thankful for all of those in my life, past and present, who in one way or another, led me to where I am today.

Thank you.

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