Sunday, October 9, 2011

Changing Roles

Think about how you fit into a working group. Are you the best? Strongest? Smartest? Weakest? Somewhere in between?

Consider the changing roles one experiences as a member of an ensemble.

An inexperienced musician may have the self awareness as to where he or she is on the spectrum of ability level compared to the other members. And then again, he or she may not have the self awareness. Either way, it's my job to clarify this awareness and move the student along the spectrum while continuing to challenge those more advanced.

As the musician matures, he or she discovers a new feeling of knowledge, sometimes accompanied by impatience towards others. It's also my job to foster both patience, empathy, and student leadership. "How to" is another matter.

Group dynamic is the untold linchpin of any group, regardless of overall talent. Developing group dynamic is an art. Like all art, it constantly evolves, requires practice, and is a never-ending pursuit.

This photo displays a possible outcome...

How do you foster role changes in your groups? How do you manage role changes in your life?

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