Thursday, December 23, 2010

'Tis the Season!

The holiday season is here and I'm hoping those gifts under the tree are exactly what you were hoping for! I know my gift from Tracy worked out, although it's not under the tree and has already been used on a gig. Thank you to the fine folks at Cooperman for yet another terrific Christmas gift.

But this blog isn't about a new riq...

Spending time with family and friends, finding time to decompress, and getting caught up on sleep is typical for many of us. If you're like me, it takes a day of downtime before getting a little stir crazy. There's the, "I feel guilty for relaxing" immediately followed by "I feel guilty for not relaxing." Can You relate?

Just when I was leaning towards taking a day or two off from thinking about music, practicing, teaching, writing, etc I got a call from the great NYC-based percussionist Valerie Naranjo. She and Barry Olsen are in town visiting family and skiing and were interested in getting into the music building to.... yep... Practice.


So here's the compromise I've struck:

1. Do something everyday I wouldn't necessarily find time for during busier times
2. Do something music/percussion/career-related everyday that I wouldn't necessarily find time for during busier times

For the first to-do, movies fit the bill, reading, dare I say, fiction, and exploring this wonderful valley I live in. Sounds relaxing, right?

For the second to-do, I have a stack of David Kuckhermann DVD's I've been meaning to get through. Then there's the advance copy of a riq text by my friend and fellow LSU alum Tom Zirkle. And practicing riq is relaxing, afterall!? (Question and a statement...).

That should hold me over for a week...

What do you do over extended breaks?

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