Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Winter Break!

Happy Holidays!

What a relief to be on break! After a rather hectic semester teaching, I can finally look forward to some decompression time. We are heading to the Mayan Riviera for part of the break, and if I'm sneaky, I'll toss a riq or tar in my luggage to practice on the beach. I have a tough time sitting on the beach doing nothing. We'll see what happens.

My previous blog may have mentioned it, but I managed to total my Brendan White bodhran in an unfortunate accident. I really don't want to talk about it, but I'm looking forward to breaking in my new drum courtesy of Brendan and his goats. If I can work out getting over to Ireland this summer, I want to win this.

Tonight, Christmas Eve, we are having dinner with the ever-talented Eric Shiveley and hope to do some playing. If we can throw a few tunes together, we may just go and play at the local homeless shelter for Christmas.

As for playing- I've recently done just a bit- a Medano Creek Jazz Trio stuff, some bar playing, and then a performance with Tracy at ASC's winter commencement. Otherwise, it looks a bit sparse for the next few weeks, with the exception of playing for a soundtrack for a documentary on Martinique.

February 22 is the Day of Percussion at Adams State College. In addition to hosting the always fantastic Valerie Naranjo, we'll also feature my ensembles, as well as the great folks over at Ft. Lewis College. Contact me for more info!

By the way, the best sound maracas EVER can be purchased from Trey at California Percussion. His joropo maracas are amazing. Why buy really good maracas? Why not?

Merry Christmas!!


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