Monday, August 6, 2007

A couple more quick thoughts

I've yet to chat with a soldier that hasn't been here before- even the low ranking soldiers are on their second tour. The navy has taken on big roles inland- security, transportation, and a lot of flying missions.

I'm not sure what to make of all of this. The amount of money spent to air condition one single tent all day, even when unoccupied, could really make a difference to someone less fortunate. It's hard to fathom the grandeur of this campaign in the desert until you see the moving and stationary pieces. The amazing thing is, despite traveling to a lot of locations, we barely scratched the surface regarding installations, bases, FOB's, etc in and around Iraq.

I hope our nation's future leaders are over here now (or here previously or still to come) and experiencing this place first hand. While I do not feel military service should be a prerequisite to public service, I believe one would be less likely to make decisions of such magnitude without considering the facts, consequences, human toll, family separations, shear expense, and long term ramifications.

My time is up once again in this crowded computer lab.

I hope to catch up from Africa,


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