Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Essential Tools for the Practice Room

Recording Device
Journal or Checklist
Kitchen Timer

That's right, a kitchen timer. Preferably not a wind up, tick-tocking timer but an inexpensive, easy to use digital timer. The kind available at the dollar store for, well, a dollar.

When you start your practice session, you usually have goals to accomplish within a fixed amount of time. Set the goals, set the timer. As you practice, set micro goals and set the timer. You'll be amazed with the increased efficiency of your practice time and the focus you can keep throughout.

As a side note, set the timer for breaks as well.

Kitchen timer... trust me, you'll love it and it will revolutionize your practice sessions.

What are your practice room essentials?

Visit my website at www.jameswdoyle.com

1 comment:

Pat McLaughlin said...

I believe the list you provided is an excellent and all inclusive list of things you should bring to a practice session. I think that if you take anything more to a practice session you may end up wasting time by working on things other than your playing.

As a side note - I couldn't agree more about the kitchen timer!