Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What a difference lighting can make and a new CD.


With spring break only a few days away, it's great to have a plan in place. Things have been hectic around the college, but we have arrived at the trough of activity before the final crest takes hold. Tracy is on a 10 day tour with the USAF Academy Band so as I type this, she's probably playing flute in civilian attire with a bunch of people in uniform, somewhere in Indiana.

A great friend, Matt Thomas came to Colorado to do the same tour so we were able to hang out over the weekend. Matt and I met on the audition circuit almost 10 years ago, played together in the AF band, and toured together playing everything from salsa to Ugandan Amadinda. It was great to catch up and he was gracious enough to do an Afro-Cuban drumming clinic for my students.

My next clinician is Samir Chatterjee, virtuoso tabla player. I cannot wait!

As for my musical outlook, today was the first day of executing a plan for practicing. With a fundraiser gala, a recital with saxophonist Ryan Janus, a student's senior recital performance, and a duo program with Tracy all on the horizon, it's time to get to work. Additionally, I am looking forward to performing St. Paddy's Day at the brewery. Any gig I can walk to with a concertina and bodhran, drink beer, and not have to worry about driving home is a good gig. I also need to squeeze in a final recording for a documentary project on Martinique. Don Richmond is in the final stages of writing the music and I want to finish this thing for him!

Last night and this morning served as my official test run of new lighting around my marimba. Amazing what a difference seeing the bars can make.

Also, a CD I recorded the drum tracks for is now available. Check out Mike Addington here and if you like southwestern country, you'll love this album.

Off to steel drum band rehearsal. Thanks for reading!!


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