Thursday, August 4, 2011

Collaborate... what does the taste of pineapple sound like?

How do you collaborate in your work? Does it inspire you? Scare you to lose control? Energize a project that may have become mundane?

Take a moment and consider how you can add variety and interest to your next concert, meeting, or grant initiative by involving others outside of your typical realm.

For musicians, there are the obvious collaborations- dance troupes, theater, film scores.

Here's a collaboration my students and I undertook in the spring with a 3-D art class.

Step 1: Art students are given instructions to create a visual representation of something non-visual. Create the taste of pineapple. The sound of a gunshot. The smell of honeysuckle.

Step 2: Music student(s) records a two minute improvisation based on the 3-D project with no knowledge of the artist's inspiration.

Step 3: Art students take the recordings and shoot a film based on the recording. Essentially, the usual roles are reversed as the movie is set to a soundtrack rather than vice-versa.

Step 4: Music students take the video, project it in a live concert without prior viewing, and improvise a new soundtrack to the film.

This particular project was a lot of fun for all involved. The ability to create something new without preconceived notions of what is expected allowed an immense amount of freedom for artist and musician alike. Reflection on the metamorphosis of the project was invaluable to trace the path one takes in creativity.

By the way, the audience liked it, too.

At your next opportunity, consider what new collaborations are possible.

What are some of your favorite collaborations? Future endeavors?

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